9:05 p.m. - Pollock Rip
9:25 p.m. - Bell Boy. Set course
Midnight - Clear weather. Strong WNW breeze, sea rough.
So ends this day.

Monday, October 22, 1900
This day commences with strong breeze from west.
Course E/ by N 1-4 N. Magnetic for Brazil Rock.
Cape Sable distance 226 miles.
Daylight - wind moderating.
Noon - fine and clear.
Lat 42.13 by observation.
Sundown - fine and clear.
8:00 p.m.- same
Midnight - Course by pilot house compass, E by N

Tuesday, October 23, 1900
Midnight– This day comes in fine and clear, wind west, moderate.
3:00 a.m. – Cape Sable abeam. Log 289
8:25 a.m. Passed the S. S. Waccamau bound west,
35 miles E. of Cape Sable.
Noon - fine
6:00 p.m. –-Sambro Light bore north
10:15 p.m. -Arrived at dock of Pickford & Black, Halifax
Pilot - Fleming.

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